Mal-absorption is simply the failure to absorb nutrients from your food into your body. Mal-absorption means that the cells of your body are not getting the nutrients, minerals, and fats that they need to do their jobs, to protect your body, to build your immune system, to rebuild tissues and muscle and everything your body does to keep you functioning. The result is malnutrition, nutritional deficiencies and illness. This is how we can eat supposedly nutrient rich foods, and still feel like we are starving- we are! And as a side note, I often find that people who are overweight have higher levels of mal-absorption and nutrient deficiency. Overweight and starving- it happens so often!
Proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and most fluids are absorbed in the small intestine. Mal-absorption syndrome occurs when something prevents the bowel from absorbing important nutrients and fluids.1
The problem may be caused by: inflammation caused by poor diet, poor blood sugar control or food sensitivities, an injury to the lining of the intestine diseases affecting the intestines such as Crohns or Celiac disease, poor digestion, lack of digestive enzymes, low stomach acid or poor gut flora, parasitic infection or bacteria over growth, disease of the pancreas, removal of the gallbladder or part of the intestines, and some medications including antibiotics.
All of these can be made worse by stress, lack of sleep, hormone changes and acute illnesses.
Poor food choices can lead to inflammation in the digestive system. Poor blood sugar control leads to inflammation in the digestive system and in throughout the body. The standard American diet (high in starches, grains, sugar and trans fats) is highly acid-forming, overwhelming the body's mechanisms for removing excess acid. Your body is constantly trying to achieve a state of equilibrium at a pH of about 7.365, which is slightly alkaline. To do this, the body draws from the nutrients from your food, which either acidifies or alkalizes the blood. When there are not enough nutrients to maintain this slightly alkaline state, the body draws from backup nutrient and mineral reserves in the bones (leading to osteoporosis), the blood, organs and tissues. This is one of them main reasons most people are mineral deficient. We'll talk about how to correct this with Mineral Salts.
Stools that float and are bulky, greasy or very foul
Excessive gas
Abdominal discomfort or cramps, especially after eating
Weight loss
Night blindness (vitamin A mal-absorption)
Bruise easily (iron or vitamin K mal-absorption)
Bone pain and painful muscle contractions (calcium and/or magnesium mal-absorption)
Poor resistance to illness
Muscle wasting
If you are unable to absorb fats, you may have light-colored, foul-smelling stools that are soft and bulky. Stools are difficult to flush and may float or stick to the sides of the toilet bowl.
If you are unable to absorb protein, you may experience dry hair, hair loss, or fluid retention or edema.
If you are unable to absorb certain sugars, you may have bloating, flatulence, or explosive diarrhea.
If you are unable to absorb certain vitamins, you may have anemia, malnutrition, low blood pressure, weight loss, and muscle wasting.
Children with mal-absorption syndrome may purposefully avoid certain foods and be very picky eaters. They may be small for their age.
One of the main concerns about mal absorption is the havoc it wrecks on the body. mal absortion not only strips the body of nutrients needs to survive, it can also introduce particles that don't belong in the bloodstream. Mal absorption can lead to "leaky gut"- which means that proteins and particles that should not get through the intestines into the blood stream do. The body's immune system responds by attacking these particles which leads to food allergies, intolerances and then to auto immune disorders.
Correcting mal absorption and leaky gut
First steps are often identifying an allergic or sensitive foods and eliminating them.
Following an alkaline, anti inflammatory food diet with good blood sugar control is very important.
Correcting any imbalance within the body is important, supplementing with digestive enzymes, increasing the acidity of the stomach and removing any parasitic or bacterial infection or over growth is vital.
Supplementing with vitamin and mineral support while you are working on healing your gut can make a huge difference in how you feel and increase your resilience to disease.
Probiotics and fermented foods and drinks can also help correct the intestinal microflora.
Homeopathic medicines to help repair and seal the gut may be needed as well. These are highly effective even when the diet is not 100% anti inflammatory and anti allergic.
For a complete program to rebuild your gut flora and correct malabsorption, purchase Lisa’s Gut Healing Program.
Mineral salts are my favourite method to get much needs minerals to the cells quickly. They are immediately bio-available- as soon as they are chewed in the mouth and mix with saliva they are taken into the bloodstream for the body to use. They don't have to be digested like traditional mineral supplements. Mineral Salts are safe and effective. Some minerals are compounded with other elements to support specific areas of the body. Mineral salts can be chosen to suit your specific needs.
*all removed to comply with the government’s censorship of promoting natural health products. Demand a repeal of Bill 47 sections 500-504. see for more information
Foods to promote Gut Healing
The following is a great list of digestive friendly foods. Always keep in mind that any food that causes digestive upset should be avoided during your healing time. It can take as little as 2 months up to several years to completely heal the gut, depending on each person and their specific needs.
My top 5 favourite foods for gut heal include:
bone broth
root vegetables
spices: garlic, ginger, fennel, cinnamon and turmeric
coconut oil
fermented drinks such as kefir and kombucha
I hope you have found this information helpful. My goal is to share information to educate and empower people to take control of their own health. Please contact Lisa for more information. I would love to help you experience Better Health Naturally! Lisa’s Gut Healing Protocol is available now.
The information provided here is for educational purposes only. For treatment please seek a qualified health care provider.
Copyright Lisa Paul The Natural Path 2016